How to increment a cell reference in a row



I have a row of cells. The first cell in the row is ='05.09'!M7. I need the
second cell in the same row to be incremented by 7 ex: ='05.09'!M14 and the
following cells in the same row to be incremented by 7 continously. It would
look like this cell one ='05.09'!M7 cell two ='05.09'!M14 cell three
='05.09'!M21 cell four ='05.09'!M28.

How can I add 7 to the first cell and drag over the remaining cells in the

The data from ='05.09'!M7 is in a different worksheet and in columns not rows.

Any help would be appreciated.


Jacob Skaria

In row 1 enter the below formula and copy that down..It picks the row number
and multiply by 7

=INDIRECT("05.09!M" & ROW()*7)

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Mike H


Suitably modified it doesn't have to go in row 1

=INDIRECT("05.09!M" & (ROW(A1)-1)*7+7)



Sorry, I might have not explained myself very well so here is an example of
what I am trying to do.

Cell 1 needs to pull from 05.09'!M7 to get the value 22. Then I would like
to put into Cell 2, Cell 3 and Cell 4 a formula to increment 05.09'!M7 by 7
so I can avoid so much keying. Consequently, I am pulling from columns and
placing the data into rows.

I tried the =INDIRECT("05.09!M" & ROW()*7) but it did not work. Also tried
Column inplace if row.

Worksheet Reptg Data in Rows
Cell 1 Cell 2 Cell 3
Cell 4
=05.09'!M7 22 =05.09'!M14 33 =05.09'!M21 44 =05.09'!M28 55

Worksheet 05.09 in columns
05.09'!M7 value is 22
05.09'!M14 value is 33
05.09'!M21 value is 44
05.09'!M28 value is 55

This help?

Mike H

Jacob's formula does exactly that but you must put it in row 1. My formula
can be put in any row and when dragged down gives the reult you want




The =INDIRECT("05.09!M" & (ROW(A1)-1)*7+7) worked great. I did need to
change the (ROW to (COLUMN. After that it worked great.

Much thanks, this will save me time and increase the accuracy of the report.

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