how to insert a graph, properly from excel, into academic researc.



I am trying to insert an excel graph into office 2007 academic research paper
template and would like to find out if there is a proper way to insert it. I
keep copying and pasting. Basically when I copy and paste it looks really
bad, nothing like a professional paper would look like. Thanks for the help.

Kate G.

What is it doing when you paste it that causes you to feel it doesn't look

You can INSERT OBJECT -- Microsoft Graph Chart or Microsoft Excel Chart (I
trust you can still do that in 2007) -- but you'd have to either copy/paste
your data or retype and recreate your chart.

Please provide details as to the type of chart/graph and what is happening
that is unacceptable.


Results are variable depending on the specifics of the chart - some come
over better than others, it's just the nature of the beast:) However, here
are 2 other options to try:

1- Use Edit> Paste Special - Picture rather than pasting as a chart object,

2- Copy the data from Excel, then in Word Insert> Picture> Chart & paste the
data into the datasheet.

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