H. Nguyen said:
I need to insert a microsoft word template into a form so that I can display
the information of the table onto this form instead of redesign this
template. Please help. Thank you.
H. Nguyen
There are probably many ways to do this, but what I normally do is
something like this...
- display your template as a blank document
- display it in "Full Screen" mode
- be sure the entire document is visible (reduce the zoom factor if
- use "Print Screen" to capture what you see
- open Paintbrush or similar graphic editing program
- paste the saved image into it
- edit it to remove menus, mouse pointer, &c.
- save it to disk in a suitable format, such as .JPG or .BMP
- in Access, set the Form's "Picture" property to point to the saved file
- set related properties suitably
- place controls on your Form so that they fit the image
You'll need to be a bit careful, as this background image is NOT tied to
any objects you place on the Form, so if you modify the Form's
dimensions, the image might shift. (You might want to choose "Top Left"
Another possibility is to use an Image control instead of the Form's
Picture property. You'd need to be sure the Image's z-order puts it
behind the Text Boxes, Labels, Lines, &c., that you place on your Form.
If you intend to give a copy of your database to someone else, you'll
probably want to embed the image into it. To reduce the size of your
database file, you can link the image instead -- but then you'll have to
send a copy of your image along with the database if you give it to
someone else.
-- Vincent Johns <
[email protected]>
Please feel free to quote anything I say here.