how to insert a references section at the very end of a document


Uncle Scotty


How do I insert a references section at the very end of my document
that references particular citations in the document?

I should say that my document needs to conform to APA formatting
standards. I've looked at one template, but it doesn't manage the
references in any way.

RSVP, Scott


If you're actually trying to manage the references as opposed to just typing
them in at the end of the document, you might want to look into a reference
management program like Endnote ( It will automatically
format your references into whatever style you like, and also helps keep them

Uncle Scotty

Ok, I see from the feedback that it would be helpful to talk about what
I have and what I am trying to have, so here goes.

I am in the process of writing a book that must conform to APA
standards. Right now, I have ten chapters in 10 seperate files written
in Word2003. Each chapter has endnotes that are to reference chapter
contents and are to appear at the end of each chapter.

I have a seperate file for my preface and acknowledgements. I have a
seperate file for my index, and I have a seperate one for my references
which are to appear at the end of the book. I have about two pages of
references in total.

So, I have created a new word doc, which will be the complete book. I
have used Word's outline view to create a high-level structure to
organize the book's parts (highest level), then chapters and finally
subchapters, using heading levels 1-3.

Next, I started to copy and paste the body of each
part/chapter/subchapter into its respective location in the new file as
a way of filling in the "meat" on the "bones".

Now that this is complete, I want to add the remainder of the books-
the preface and acknowledgements, TOC, index, end notes for each
chapter and references.

This is what I am trying to accomplish. Does this help? I guess I could
just copy and paste the entire reference file, for one thing, at the
back of my document, but it would be great if Word automated stuff like
that and also formatted it to conform to the APA standards.

So, what now? Thanks, Scott

Daiya Mitchell

Hi Scotty,
Ok, I see from the feedback that it would be helpful to talk about what
I have and what I am trying to have, so here goes.

Much more clear, and now people are much more able to give help.
I am in the process of writing a book that must conform to APA
standards. Right now, I have ten chapters in 10 seperate files written
in Word2003. Each chapter has endnotes that are to reference chapter
contents and are to appear at the end of each chapter.

For that you will need section breaks between each chapter. Then set
endnotes to "end of section". This assumes that you used Word's features to
create the endnotes.

If you have landscape pages or columns within a chapter, this might get
tricky, with luck you don't have any.
I guess I could
just copy and paste the entire reference file, for one thing, at the
back of my document, but it would be great if Word automated stuff like
that and also formatted it to conform to the APA standards.

Yep, that's the way to go. You'll need to paste it in and edit it yourself.
Word 2007 is adding some citation management like you want, but you would
have needed to set it up as you wrote the document, not at the end. Or the
program like EndNote would have done what you wanted.
I have a seperate file for my preface and acknowledgements.

Plain text, just paste in.
I have a
seperate file for my index

Ah, hmmm. If you did it manually, all the page numbers will now be wrong,
and you probably want to recreate it using Word's features which will update
the page numbers. Or give more information about what you want to happen
here, and what you have.

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