How to insert data to "MS word" saved document from Applica


Ahmad Omar

Hi ,
I want to insert a data to saved microsof word from application i
have made ,
do any one have an idea about the code wich should i write it in a bottun,
i have used the Add function of itnerop but it overwrite the saved document
, and what i want is to add and save the new data

Doug Robbins - Word MVP

Where do you want to insert the data into the document?

An easy way is to insert document variable { DOCVARIABLE varname } fields in
the document in the locations where you want the data to appear and use code
to set the values of the variables and to then update the fields in the
document so that the information is displayed in the fields.

Hope this helps.

Please reply to the newsgroup unless you wish to avail yourself of my
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Doug Robbins - Word MVP

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