How to insert frame in web page being made in Publisher?


Ron W.

Does Publisher provide a utility allowing for insertion of a frame in which
one can scroll the content? I have a "long-narrow" text box with a mix of
typefaces and photos that I'd like people to be able to scroll - while the
rest of the page remains stationary.


Publisher does not support framing. And though you might be able to get an
iframe to work under some circumstances, it is not consistent in all
browsers all the time. You might be able to get just text to work, but
probably not the photos. You can try modifying and inserting the following


<div style = "margin-left: 15px; width: 100px; height:70px; overflow:
scroll; font-size: 10pt">your text goes right here. if there is more text in
the box then there is room in the box then the box will scroll you can
change the amount of text and the point size of the text and also change the
width and height of the box.</div>

Ron W.

Thank you David,

I shall try the code you provided. That will probably launch me into doing
the thing "in the raw." I use Publisher every day for my work, and was
hopeful its web code generator would meet my needs, as it is so remarkably
good for my other publication apps. Fortunately my kid can write HTML, so I
shall enlist him forthwith.

Kind regards,



You are welcome. I too, use Publisher daily, and chose to use the web
building capability because it was easy to carry over design themes and
elements from my other marketing materials. However, you must remember that
Publisher is first and foremost a DTP, with limited web building capability.
It will work, but you need to K.I.S.S, which is not a bad design concept in
itself. But hey...if you got a kid, put him to work ;-)


Ron W.


We're on common ground here. This web initiative will need to to become
robust over time. You have been instrumental in causing me to confine my use
of Publisher in this regard to prototype activity, and have the "real" work
done by someone who is qualified to do the 'heavy-lifting.'

With thanks,


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