How to insert markup text in RTF from script


Ruben Bos

I want to insert markup text into an RTF control using script. Basically I
have a button and when it is pressed a piece of text should apear in a RTF
control but with a bold title in a large font.

Inserting text itself is no problem but when I use things like <font>, <b>
tags they are displayed as text and not formatted.

Anybody a solution?

S.Y.M. Wong-A-Ton

You're probably setting the "text" property on the RTF field, which won't
work for what you're trying to achieve. You need to add the piece of text as
a child XML node to the RTF field. Here's an example in JScript:

xmlNode = XDocument.CreateDOM();
xmlNode.loadXML("<strong xmlns=\"\">bold

Ruben Bos

Mister, you're the man! You're the king. It works perfectly. Thanks! I read
like 12 hours for a solution, nothing seemed to work, and finally you came up
with an answer.

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