how to insert pictures?



I am now useing access to establish a employee data, but i
have trouble when i insert picture of emplyees. how can i
see everyone's picture when i look at everyone's record?


Well, you create a field on your Emplyee_Table to OLE
object data type, then you place it on your form, and
that's it really. you can set the picture-view mode to
determine whether you want to trim the picture to the
frame size, fit it or show thumbnails. i think double-
clicking the field should open the Add picture dialog box,
but i'm not sure about that. one of the menus should
enable youi to do that, in any case.


-----Original Message-----
I am now useing access to establish a employee data, but i
have trouble when i insert picture of emplyees. how can i
see everyone's picture when i look at everyone's record?
I find i can insert picture in table statue, first difine
the field in "OLE", than in choose "insert----object
package", than use Powerpoint you can insert picture. you
can watch it directly without double press the "icon". But
it will make you computer slowly.

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