How to Instantiate an existing project in



I want to open up and interogate an existing MSP project (NOT server) using I have finally found the correct reference and import statements. How
do I instantiate my "project" object and point it to an existing project? So
far, I've got:

dim XYZ as new Project
dim tsk as Task

Now, I'm stuck.

Can anyone point me the right way to start up. After that, I'll be good.

Rod Gill

Sub Test()
Dim prjApp As MSProject.Application
Dim Proj As MSProject.Project

prjapp = getobject(, "MSProject.Application")
proj = prjapp.activeproject
Catch ex As Exception
MsgBox("Couldn't connect")
prjApp = Nothing
End Try

End Sub

Code requires project be open and a proejct with a task in it open.


Thank you, Rod. I appreciate your help.

Is it not possible to use the project without having MSP open? I'm fully
licensed and loaded, just don't want to have to have it open at the same time
(though it's only a little inconvenience...)

Again, Rod, thank you for your help!

Rod Gill

You can read (but not write) data directly from .mpp files using oledb. See
the pjoledb.htm file in one of Project's program folders. Note that this
functionality will not be supported in Project 2007 which is a shame because
it's a great way of reading data fast without needing to open projects or
save them in a database.

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