I have a procedure in access xp which runs and takes an
hour or so to finish. I have been trying to call it from
VB 6.0 to run using either docmd.runmacro "MacroName"
where I setup a function to run the procedure as well as
Run("FunctionName"). In the first case, the macro calls a
function which calls the proc and the second in just a
function which calls the proc. (This is probably my
problem. I just want to call the proc from outside of
access.) The Procedure in VB finishes before procedure in
access and consequently I do not get all of the results I
need. Ultimately my goal has been to automate the access
proc to run daily.
Any guidance would be gladly appreciated.
thanks you cause I am quite desparate,
hour or so to finish. I have been trying to call it from
VB 6.0 to run using either docmd.runmacro "MacroName"
where I setup a function to run the procedure as well as
Run("FunctionName"). In the first case, the macro calls a
function which calls the proc and the second in just a
function which calls the proc. (This is probably my
problem. I just want to call the proc from outside of
access.) The Procedure in VB finishes before procedure in
access and consequently I do not get all of the results I
need. Ultimately my goal has been to automate the access
proc to run daily.
Any guidance would be gladly appreciated.
thanks you cause I am quite desparate,