How to integrate existing resource files to project server?



Since some of us here have already been working with Project Professional we
already have several project files with a resource file attached to it. How
can we integrate this resource file into the server configuration without
breaking the project files we already have?

In other words: we have files A, B, C and D plus a resource file for these 4
project professional files. How can we integrate A, B, C and D plus the
resource file into the server?

Gérard Ducouret


Tools / Enterprise Options / Import resource in enterpise
and select your resource file...
Then :
Tools / Enterprise Options / Import projet in the enterpise
select file A... and follow the Wizard.

Hope this helps,

Gérard Ducouret

Dale Howard [MVP]


In addition to Gerard's sage advice, you must break the link between each
project and its shared resource pool before importing projects or resources
into Project Server. The resources assigned to tasks in the project will
remain in the project, so breaking the link will not hurt the project. To
break the link, open the shared resource pool file in Read/Write mode, and
then open each project that is connected to the shared resource pool file.
In each project, click Tools - Resource Sharing - Share Resources. Select
the "Use own resources" option and click OK. Save and close the project and
repeat this process for each project. Afterwards, save and close the shared
resource pool file.

After you break the links between each project and its shared resource pool,
your Project Server administrator can import the resources from the shared
resource pool file to the Enterprise Resource Pool using Tools - Enterprise
Options - Import Resources to Enterprise. After he/she imports the
resources, you can import the projects individually into Project Server
using Tools - Enterprise Options - Import Project to Enterprise. Hope this

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