How to keep a title block from scaling with differant size pages.


Wayne hof

Im trying to keep a title block the same size (size of actual paper) but when
i drop it on differant scaled drawings in is to big or to small?

Al Edlund

it's manually intensive (put some user fields in the shape you want to drop
and then change some fields in the shape sheet). I'd start over here


If you want to do it with code, this works for me.....

' example of dropping a shape, put text in it linked to a custom property,
make sure it behave well with
' scaling

' put a rectangle on the page
objRect = visPage.DrawRectangle(iStart, iTop, iEnd, iBottom)

' initialize the shape for text behavior ( I use the rownr as a pointer when
I want multiple lines of text based on

' custom properties)

clsVisio.TextAntiScaling(objRect, intRowNr)

' add a text field to the shape that will look at a custom property

blnResult = clsVisio.AddTextFieldToShape(objRect, _

"LocationID : ", _

"ThePage!Prop.LocationID", _


' set the shape up so that it doesn't get confused about the scaling

Public Sub TextAntiScaling _

(ByVal objRect As Microsoft.Office.Interop.Visio.Shape, _

ByVal intFieldNr As Integer)

Dim objcell As Microsoft.Office.Interop.Visio.Cell

Dim blnResult As Boolean

objRect.Name = "textfield_" & CStr(intFieldNr)

blnResult = AddUserPropertyToShape(objRect, "width", "width", "width", _

objRect.Cells("Width").ResultIU, "width")

blnResult = AddUserPropertyToShape(objRect, "height", "height", "height", _

objRect.Cells("height").ResultIU, "height")

blnResult = AddUserPropertyToShape(objRect, "pinX", "pinX", "pinX", _

objRect.Cells("pinx").ResultIU, "pinX")

blnResult = AddUserPropertyToShape(objRect, "piny", "piny", "piny", _

objRect.Cells("piny").ResultIU, "piny")

objcell = objRect.Cells("width")

objcell.Formula = "user.width*(ThePage!DrawingScale/ThePage!PageScale)"

objcell = objRect.Cells("height")

objcell.Formula = "user.height*(ThePage!DrawingScale/ThePage!PageScale)"

objcell = objRect.Cells("pinx")

objcell.Formula = "user.pinx*(ThePage!DrawingScale/ThePage!PageScale)"

objcell = objRect.Cells("piny")

objcell.Formula = "user.piny*(ThePage!DrawingScale/ThePage!PageScale)"

objRect.Cells("Para.HorzAlign").Formula = visHorzLeft

End Sub

Public Function AddTextFieldToShape _

(ByVal visShape As Microsoft.Office.Interop.Visio.Shape, _

ByVal strFieldPrompt As String, _

ByVal strProperty As String, _

ByVal fldFormat As Microsoft.Office.Interop.Visio.VisFieldFormats) _

As Boolean

Dim visText As Microsoft.Office.Interop.Visio.Characters

visText = visShape.Characters

visText.Text = strFieldPrompt

' Set the character color of the text to blue.

visText.CharProps(CShort(visCharacterColor)) = CShort(visBlue)

' Set the font size of the text to 8.

visText.CharProps(CShort(visCharacterSize)) = 9

' Start a new run that will contain the appended string with

' different formatting.

visText.Begin = visText.End

' Add the field

visText.AddCustomField(strProperty, fldFormat)

' Keep the same formatting as set for the previous string,

' except set the character style to bold italic.

visText.CharProps(CShort(visCharacterStyle)) = _

CShort(visBold) + _


' Set the character color

visText.CharProps(CShort(visCharacterColor)) = CShort(visBlack)

Return True

End Function

' add a user property row to a shape

Public Function AddUserPropertyToShape _

(ByVal visShape As Microsoft.Office.Interop.Visio.Shape, _

ByVal strLocalRowName As String, _

ByVal strRowNameU As String, _

ByVal strLabelName As String, _

ByVal strValue As String, _

Optional ByVal strPrompt As String = "") _

As Boolean

Dim vsoCell As Microsoft.Office.Interop.Visio.Cell

Dim intRowIndex As Integer

If visShape.SectionExists(visSectionUser, False) = False Then


End If

' get an available row number

intRowIndex = visShape.AddNamedRow(visSectionUser, _

strLocalRowName, _


' add a prompt

vsoCell = visShape.CellsSRC(visSectionUser, _

visRowUser + intRowIndex, visUserPrompt)

SetCellValueToString(vsoCell, strPrompt)

If (strLocalRowName <> strRowNameU And _

Len(strRowNameU) > 0) Then

vsoCell.RowNameU = strRowNameU

End If

' add a value

vsoCell = visShape.CellsSRC(visSectionUser, _

visRowUser + intRowIndex, visUserValue)

SetCellValueToString(vsoCell, strValue)

AddUserPropertyToShape = True

End Function

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