How to keep file extension on mail sent as attachment from Word?




WHen I try to send a Word file as an attachment from inside Word itself, the
file appears in the mail window without its extension and therefore with a
generic "not known" icon. This didn't used to happen under Windows 2000 Pro,
only now under XP (Office 2000). It is annoying for the recipient as they
have to amend the file name or open it from inside Word rathe than just

If I attach a file to a mail message in the usual way (paper clip) this
problem doesn't arise either.

Any ideas would be greatly appreciated

Roady [MVP]

Applied Office 2000 Service Pack 3 and additional hotfixes already?

Does it make a difference when you change your default message format to
Plain Text?

Robert Sparnaaij [MVP-Outlook]

Tips of the month:
-FREE tool; QuickMail. Create new Outlook items anywhere from within Windows
-Properly back-up and restore your Outlook data


WHen I try to send a Word file as an attachment from inside Word itself, the
file appears in the mail window without its extension and therefore with a
generic "not known" icon. This didn't used to happen under Windows 2000 Pro,
only now under XP (Office 2000). It is annoying for the recipient as they
have to amend the file name or open it from inside Word rathe than just

If I attach a file to a mail message in the usual way (paper clip) this
problem doesn't arise either.

Any ideas would be greatly appreciated

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