How to keep notes stable, from moving about on tablet PC



Am part of a three person team using OneNote 2003 with a form (stationary) to
collect information. We trade notes and the files received by the others
always get jumbled even if we first convert to PDF format before sending.
How do I keep my penned notes stable, from moving about? Is there a setting
in OneNote for it to use only one container? (rather than create a new
container each time the pen is raised and lowered).
Does the Service Pack 2 fix this problem? Does OneNote 2007 fix this?
Thanks for any help you can give.

Ben M. Schorr, MVP

OneNote 2007 is much better about this but there are still some issues with
notes moving around a bit. Still, you may find OneNote 2007 to be good
enough in that regard.

Josh Einstein

Yeah OneNote 2007 revamped the way it handles ink. It's much much better as
Ben has already said.

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