Bill T said:
I have it split. The database runs off a network share and there are
potentially a couple hundred PC's that it could run from. I need to have 1
location to make changes and updates so I don't think putting a copy of the
front end (only used for reports) on each PC. I tried Tools -> Options->
advanced and even unchecked use locking since the FE is only used for
reports and there is no data entry through the front end and that didn't
work either. Thanks for the replies.
You should not share front end files, you should supply each user with their
own copy. There are various ways to achieve this but I find the batch file
method works well. Have your users' shortcuts point to a batch file that
copies the FE to their local drive and then launches it. Typically:
DEL "%userprofile%\desktop\MyShortcut.lnk"
XCOPY "X:\Applications\MyShortcut.lnk" "%userprofile%\desktop" /Q
DEL "%temp%\MyFE.mde"
XCOPY "X:\Applications\MyFE.mde" "%temp%\" /Q
START "%temp%" /MAX "C:\Program Files\Microsoft
Office\Office11\MSACCESS.EXE" "%temp%\MyFE.mde"