Thank you, Gordon, for the clear answer. I guess I can't have what I
would like. Oh well.
Lady Dungeness
Crabby, but Great Legs!
On Sat, 25 Aug 2007 18:38:34 +0100, "Gordon"
||> 1. I cannot find Tools > Options > Show this Address List
|> First
|> 2. I DO see my contacts; I can open my Contacts, select a
|> contact and write an email to that contact.
|> 3. I CANNOT use Control+N to create a new email message,
|> then click TO and have my Contacts folder open.
|> Instead, when I click TO, the dialog box is titled "Select
|> Names" and it presents a list of names on the left, with three boxes
|> on the right--one for TO, one for CC, and one for BC.
|> It's the "Select Names" dialog box that I find annoying. I
|> would much rather have the Contacts folder open up when I click TO in
|> a blank email message.
|> I thought the Contacts folder used to open up when I clicked
|> TO in a new email message. Is my memory failing me?
|Probably - every version of Outlook since 2002 (AFAIR) has the "select
|names" dialog box when you click the "To" button...