How to kill OnSaveRequest without really trying



In my OnSaveRequest I have this and I see up to Alert 4:

XDocument.UI.Alert("Alert 1");
eventObj.IsCancelled = eventObj.PerformSaveOperation();
XDocument.UI.Alert("Alert 2");
eventObj.ReturnStatus = true;
XDocument.UI.Alert("Alert 3");
var bSubmitted = XDocument.DOM.selectSingleNode("/my:myFields/
my:Submitted");//boolean set in form to "1" or "0"
XDocument.UI.Alert("Alert 4");

// I see no alerts after this.
if(bSubmitted == 1){
XDocument.UI.Alert("1 detected");
else if (bSubmitted ==0){
XDocument.UI.Alert("2 detected");
else { XDocument.UI.Alert("Neither detected"); }
XDocument.UI.Alert("Alert 5");

I WANT to detect if the forms is submitted and do an update of the db
of where the form is saved but I don't get that far.


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