Version: 2008
Operating System: Mac OS X 10.5 (Leopard)
Processor: Intel
I want to convert PPTX to PPT, using apple script
following script works fine for me but I have two problems.
1. I want to know if power point was already launched, if yes
I do not want to close it.
2. How can I make power point invisible,even though I am saying
set visible to false, it's not working, I can see visually powerpoint is
launching , opening the presentation and then doing save as
to MakeHFSPath(aPath)
set thePosixPath to aPath as text
return (POSIX file thePosixPath) as string
end MakeHFSPath
tell application "Microsoft PowerPoint"
set alreadyLaunched to get visible
set PresentationName to MakeHFSPath("/Users/asaiyed/Desktop/Textures.pptx") of me
open PresentationName
set visible to false
set savePath to MakeHFSPath("/Users/asaiyed/Desktop/Presenta.ppt") of me
activate presentation PresentationName
save presentation PresentationName in savePath as save as presentation
if (not alreadyLaunched) then
quit saving no
set PresentationName to MakeHFSPath("/Users/asaiyed/Desktop/PPSX.ppsx") of me
open PresentationName
end if
end tell
Operating System: Mac OS X 10.5 (Leopard)
Processor: Intel
I want to convert PPTX to PPT, using apple script
following script works fine for me but I have two problems.
1. I want to know if power point was already launched, if yes
I do not want to close it.
2. How can I make power point invisible,even though I am saying
set visible to false, it's not working, I can see visually powerpoint is
launching , opening the presentation and then doing save as
to MakeHFSPath(aPath)
set thePosixPath to aPath as text
return (POSIX file thePosixPath) as string
end MakeHFSPath
tell application "Microsoft PowerPoint"
set alreadyLaunched to get visible
set PresentationName to MakeHFSPath("/Users/asaiyed/Desktop/Textures.pptx") of me
open PresentationName
set visible to false
set savePath to MakeHFSPath("/Users/asaiyed/Desktop/Presenta.ppt") of me
activate presentation PresentationName
save presentation PresentationName in savePath as save as presentation
if (not alreadyLaunched) then
quit saving no
set PresentationName to MakeHFSPath("/Users/asaiyed/Desktop/PPSX.ppsx") of me
open PresentationName
end if
end tell