How to line up letters on top of each other???



I want to aline two letters kinda in an overlay on top of
each other but I cannot figure out how to do that. Can
anyone help me out??

Greg Maxey


You can do this with an EQ field and switches (e.g., {EQ \O(c,O)} with the
{ } entered by CTRL+F9 will overstrike the c with the O. You can apply
individual formatting to one or both the individual characters to improve
the effect.


And if I need a little height adjustment between them,
such as only 1/4". Is that doable too?? Like where the two
letters are on top of each other but they don't touch on
the bottom? Does that make any sense??

Thanks for your FAST response.

Greg Maxey


Yes. With the field code displayed select the character that you want
raised or lowered. Then use Format>Font>Character Spacing>Position and
"raise" or "lower" as desired.

Suzanne S. Barnhill

And note that if you want one letter *above* the other (that is, higher on
the page, like a fraction without the bar) rather than superimposed, you can
do this with an EQ \a field or using the Equation Editor.

Suzanne S. Barnhill
Microsoft MVP (Word)
Words into Type
Fairhope, Alabama USA
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