How To Link All In Information to a query?



How do I combine all the information from a Database that has several link
tables into one query that will show everything? The fields in the tables are
the same and are arranged in the same order I just need to put everything in
one place so it can update as information is added, deleted or revised. Can
anyone help?


Go into tools/relationships and establish links between your primary keys.
Then make your query with all the tables.


I was able to establish the relationship between my five tables which is a
field name "vendor name" but when I go to Design view and try to a query
using all the fields it only gives me information on the first table repeated
many times. What am I doing wrong? Please help!


Click on the lines between the tables in your query then right click on that
line. You may have to set some of them to a different type of join. It gives
you three choices and is always set to the frist. Try the others.

Margaret Bartley

Some of your tables have a one-to-many relationship, which means that one
record in one table can have more than one relationship in another table.
When you use the 'Equijoin', which is the first, default, join, you tell the
computer to match up every record in one table with every record in the
second table that has the same value.

These relationships are most useful if one record is related to the records
in another table intrinsically, not just because they share the same vendor.

Why are you using vendor name instead of a key field? Generally vendor name
is a bad key field, because it's too easy for people to make a mistake, like
putting two spaces between names, or leaving off a period, or using
different abbreviations.

With five tables, it matters how they are related to each other.
Your vendor table, (which should be keyed on a number, not a name) is the
main table, the the Vendor name field should be the primary key for this
table. It would be most efficient if the other four tables have the Vendor
name field indexed. Then, each of the four tables should be linked to the
vendor table, not to each other. The line connecting the tables should
point to the Vendor name field in each of the four data tables, coming from
the Vendor file.

If you don't have a vendor file, you will have to build one, using a
MakeTable Totals query, and have all five of your tables related to this
temporary work table.

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