How to link to another spot on the same web page


The Kat

I have 2003 and can find nothing for my situation. The links on the earlier
answers to this are no longer valid.

I need to direct site visitors to specific subjects on my site AND return
them to the top of page. Yes that make two separate questions, but I hope the
solution is much the same for both.
Also will the intra-page links work with the Front Page 2002. I woulld like
to import the Pub pages into FP. (I'd also like a million dollars.)

I would greatly appreciate any helpful tips of my two questions.

Help on the import would be nice, too, but I'd like to get the site up
before Office 3007 comes out.

Mike Koewler


Use an anchor. You can attach it to whatever you want and create a
hyperlink to it.



Here is a post from David Bartosik, i found while trwling through past
threads, which should answer both your questions.

1. To return vistors back to top: Just draw an HTML code fragment at the
bottom of the page and paste the following code snippet:

<a href="#top">back to top</a>

2. To create other anchor links within your web page, here is an example of
I do it. Say I have sections on a page about David Bartosik, JoAnn, and Don.
At the top of my page I would use the HTML code fragment to insert:

<A HREF="#READ HERE">David Bartosik</A>
<A HREF="#READ HERE2">/Don</A>

Then beside each section in the page I would insert:


When you click on the link David Bartosik, etc at the top of the page, you
will directed to the individual sections.

This does work, hopefully David won't mind me posting this on his behalf

The Kat

How do you make an anchor? You make it sound so easy! Is that what brelade
is setting up in the next response?

(Did I mention I'm in waaay over my head on this site?)


Mike Koewler


Yep. That's what brelade is explaining. Since I don't use Pub I
sometimes cannot provide the details on how to do it in that program,
only how things work.



Hey Brelade,

Feel free to jump right in and help out if you know the answer...or even if
you might know the answer. The quote you included is a combination of
information that I got from David Bartosik's material, and much of the
reference material I give people is from him. He is glad to see it used. The
point is, the more people that help out, and participate, the more we all
learn. I am not an least compared to David Bartosik...I just
know a bit more than some about using Publisher to produce a website, and am
still learning. And I have posted incorrect information in the past. For

I would offer a slight variation on how you write the links. I have
discovered that in some cases the space between READ and HERE can create
problems. Just as in file names, I think it is a better practice to avoid
spaces, and just use READHERE, or some other text, but no spaces. Also, it
isn't necessary that the anchor be all upper case...just that you be
consistent in both the link and the anchor. Here is David Bartosik's
article: Bookmarks aka Hyperlinking to a place on a page:

David has a wealth of information. Just type in a key word in the search
field on his site, and you will find lots of information.



You are welcome. And by the way, you mentioned that you wanted to import or
convert your Publisher web pages into FrontPage. That isn't going to
happen...the html code is way to different. This means that if you
eventually want to use FrontPage, you should probably start with FrontPage.
You must remember that Publisher is a DTP with limited web building
capability. You might want to take a moment and read: Using Publisher for
web sites:


The Kat

I read that - much to my dismay. But Publisher backloads into Frontpage and
seems to behave. I knew I was going to end up using a proper editor, but was
hoping I could put it off until MS came out with the next generation.

Question - back to the topic: I used the "insert html" for the code on the
links. Publisherstuck the code in a small text box in the middle of my page.
Where should I put thatbox? Or did I miss something and need to backload
from html and do it by hand?

For that matter, how do I find the top of page in Publisher?
The faster I go the behinder I get.


Frontpage is going away and being replaced by new products. Check out
Expression will be the program most FrontPage users will probably

Just drag the code fragment box (it isn't a text box) to where you want it
to appear on your page. Generally you do not overlap a text box, but you can
try it where ever you want it, and then do a web preview to test.

The top anchor is built in as explained in David's it again:




I am only trying to help others out!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!, i believe that
it's good to both recieve & share info from that i have gained from others
including yourself which has help me out of difficult situations more than
once !!!!!!! for which i am truley thankful, also many may not have the time
to trawl throught 89 pages of threads,

I have spent many hours trawling through ALL the threads on this site, and
have established that David Bartosik is one of the main contributors to MS
Publisher and trust what i find from him on this site.

At present i get the feeling that is OK to ask a question, but not to pass
on any info learnt.

I thought that posting a responce from David B , would not generate this
responce from yourself.

Before i post any reply's i try out the info suggested, which in this case
works for me.

Sorry to KAT for posting bad info and wasting your time

Mike Koewler


Methinks you have too thin of skin. David was, as far as I read his
post, saying thanks and that he appreciates others helping out here. You
should pass on anything you learn, even if it is not the very best solution.

All of us tend to learn from postings of others, no matter how long we
have been doing something.




I am so sorry I gave you the wrong impression. I am truly glad that you are
helping out! I apologize if my post implied anything else. I wish more
people would help.

The first part of the message was intended to encourage you to participate
both in asking questions but also in answering them. I even encourage
partial answers or maybe wrong answers, because they frequently lead a
person to a solution. The second part was just me admitting that I screw up
too, and learn more as time passes. I had posted that code about the
anchors, but had discovered since posting that information, that if you have
a space it can cause the anchor to not work under some circumstances. In
most cases it will work just fine. In fact, I almost didn't add the extra
information, but I wanted to encourage you and thank you for participating.
I was just trying to supplement your answer, not make you wrong. I apologize
if the way I wrote it came off as suggesting that you shouldn't answer

Part of the purpose of an open forum like this is to add to all our
knowledge. If I ever post something that is not totally accurate, I would
hope you or someone else would correct me, or add the additional
information. Heck, I used to repeat David Bartosik's response that Publisher
does not support framing, automatically when someone asked about it. Then
after reading the thread with Mike and others, I discovered that wasn't 100%
true. I am delighted to know that I was wrong.

No...jump in, was meant as an encouragement to answer questions. And don't
be like I was...I lurked for years afraid to answer because I feared I might
be wrong. And as I have pointed out, I have been wrong a lot...and people
have corrected me. That's great...I want to learn.

I hope this clears things up.




I truely over reacted, for which i am sorry.

So far my only contribution to this forum, has been in the way of asking
questions, which have been quite a few.

So when i saw a question to which i had seen a previous answer, i wanted to
share what i had found, give something back for all your help & help given
from others, such as Mike, & Rob (crash), and felt chuffed that i knew
something that could help someone else, however it took me a lot of nerve to
post my first reply, which i watched nerviously for any responce.

I took your reply completley the wrong way, SORRY MATE !!!!!!!!!!!!.

I was just overly protective of my first ever nervious reply, knowing that
yourself and others would be watching.




Glad we got that sorted out. And I do understand about how scary it can be
to offer an answer or any advice. I still hold my breath sometimes out of
fear that I am giving out bad advice. I especially fear that someone might
misunderstand what I am trying to say, and that is why it was disheartening
to realize that you had been upset by what I said. Like I said...glad you
posted your feelings and we were able to clarify things. Later...


Mike Koewler

You guys are worried? I don't even use Publisher! I always worry if what
I advise is even doable in the program.


The Kat

Hey! I'm the one that was looking for help - don't I get a say in this? :)

I learned something from each reply in this thread. I've worked with
Publisher for ages, but I've never done a web page. Each of you gave me
information that helped or dismayed me (like not being able to snag my site
int FrontPage - who knew?).

Like Brelade, I've spent hours trolling through threads (string theory
anyone?) and have ask more than a few questions. This have been the most
helpful thread I've experienced.

Keep up the good work - I stilll need help. BTW: nice site Brelade. Was that
all done with Publisher?

My thanks to all of you.


This really helped me out as I had a list of 13 text links at the top. I
first put them all in the same html code box but they ended up as one big
paragraph which did not look good. I had to put each different sentence in
it's own code box and it gave me the look I wanted.

Thanks for this. It was very easy to do.

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