How to link to individual messages in web page


Ken Shaffer

I can successfully specify a URL to a folder in outlook,
but I keep getting errors when trying to point to a
specific message.

The documentation I see says to place a ~ followed by the
subject as the last portion of the URL. It turns out that
the subject contains dates.

This works:

<p class=MsoNormal>
<a href="outlook:\\Public Folders\All Public Folders\A
A folder

But this doesn't:

<p class=MsoNormal>
<a href="outlook:\\Public Folders\All Public Folders\A
Folder\~Subject Line with a date 07%2007%03">
A specific message

Ken Shaffer

The Subject line is:

Subject Line with a date 07/07/03

%2F for the slashes doesn't work either.

What if there is more than one message with the same
subject, which will it choose (the latest I hope)?

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