How to look up a value in a list and return multiple matches?



I viewed a posting on the power users corner of microsoft and it explained
how to retreive multiple matches from a value list. I keep getting a #value
error. Could some one help me resolve this error or give me another way to
retreive mulitple matched values from a list. The name of the article is "How
to look up a value in a list and return multiple corresponding values" and
the code that errors out is
=SMALL(IF($A$1:$A$7=$A$10,ROW($A$1:$A$7)),ROW(1:1)). This part of the code
just retreives the location of the matched cells. The $A$1:$A$7 is the part
of the code that is generating the #Value error. In general I want to use
this code to match something in column A and pull back the corresponding
value in column B. The value in Column A has multiple entries wotj different
column B values. I would like to pull all associated column B entries. Thanks
for the help!


The formula must be entered as an Array Formula. After typing the formula use Ctrl+Shift+Enter rather than just hitting enter. Excel will place the {} array formula brackets and execute the function as an array formula. - .NET Developer Portal of Choice

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