How to Loop Through This Range and...



My data looks like this:

Faye 14,874
Faye 18,050
Faye 31,255
Faye 56,351
Faye 59,352
Faye 74,887
Jean 42,671
Jean 45,560
Jean 60,170
Jean 100,357
Jean 112,163
Jeff 18,078
Jeff 26,859
Jeff 49,090
Jeff 74,579

I want to know how to loop through this dataset and for each value in
Column A, I will do some calculations for the associated data in Column
B and then place the result on Column C. For example, I want to find
the minimum/maximum of the value in Column B for the associated value
in Column A, then place the result in Column C.

I have started the code like this,

For RowNdx = Selection(Selection.Cells.Count).Row To Selection(1).Row +
1 Step -1
If Cells(RowNdx, ColNum).Value = Cells(RowNdx - 1, ColNum).Value
End If
Next RowNdx

I need help. Thanks.

Faye Larson

Bob Phillips

No need for VBA

enter this in C1 and copy down


which is an array formula, it should be committed with Ctrl-Shift-Enter, not
just Enter.


Bob Phillips

(remove xxx from email address if mailing direct)

Tom Ogilvy

Sub CalcExtremes()
Dim rng as Range, i as Long
Dim iMax as Long, iMin as Long
Dim s as String
s = cells(1,1)
lMin = cells(1,2)
lMax = cells(1,2)
set rng = cells(1,1)
i = 2
do while cells(i-1,1) <> ""
if cells(i,1) <> s then
rng.offset(0,2).Value = lMin
rng.offset(0,3).value = lMax
set rng = cells(i,1)
lMin = cells(i,2)
lMax = cells(i,2)
s = cells(i,1)
end if
if lMin > cells(i,2) then lMin = cells(i,2)
if lMax < cells(i,2) then lMax = cells(i,2)
i = i + 1
end Sub


Thanks to both Bob and Tom. They do exactly what I want to do. The next
question I have is, instead of finding minimum/maximum, I would like to
create a chart of value of Column B for each group in Column A. I guess
this will be accomplished by the VB script? Thanks again.

Faye Larson

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