How to maintain a running comments list in a table



I have a database which contains a table listing
invoices. I need to provide the users the ability to
input a comment for an invoice, store that comment and
then add to that comment at a later date. What is the
best way to maintain this running list of comments for
each invoice? We also need to time stamp each comment.

Kevin Sprinkel

Create a new table, InvoiceComments.

InvoiceCommentID AutoNumber
InvoiceNumber Forign Key to Invoice table
CommentText Text or Memo, depending on size
CommentDate Date/Time

Relationship with Invoice:

One way to implement is to create a tabular form for the
detail table, and insert it into your main form, linking
by the foreign key. Alternatively, you could add a
command button to your existing form which would open
another form showing all the comments for that invoice.

Kevin Sprinkel
Becker & Frondorf

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