How to maintain aspect ratio of an image in autoshape



Hi all,

If we place an small image in word Autoshape it's aspect ratio gets
is not maintained. Is it possible to maintain aspect ratio of an image
when we place it in Autoshape.(getting blured)
if it is through programming or manually..anything will help

Please help!
Thanks in advance,

Cindy M -WordMVP-

Hi Sajin,
If we place an small image in word Autoshape it's aspect ratio gets
is not maintained. Is it possible to maintain aspect ratio of an image
when we place it in Autoshape.(getting blured)
if it is through programming or manually..
Why are you inserting the image into an AutoShape? Into what kind of
AutoShape - a Textbox, or something else? Which version of Word?

Note that "blurred" has nothing to do with "aspect ratio". If you're
concerned about "blurred", you should be asking in the newsgroup.

You might try using a FRAME (from the Forms toolbar). Format it with an
exact width OR height (which ever should be the limiting factor).
Inserting an image into it should proportionally resize the image
(reduce it) to fit the limiting dimension of the frame.

Cindy Meister
INTER-Solutions, Switzerland

This reply is posted in the Newsgroup; please post any follow question
or reply in the newsgroup and not by e-mail :)

Jay Freedman

Hi Sajin,

Why are you inserting the image into an AutoShape? Into what kind of
AutoShape - a Textbox, or something else? Which version of Word?

Note that "blurred" has nothing to do with "aspect ratio". If you're
concerned about "blurred", you should be asking in the newsgroup.

You might try using a FRAME (from the Forms toolbar). Format it with an
exact width OR height (which ever should be the limiting factor).
Inserting an image into it should proportionally resize the image
(reduce it) to fit the limiting dimension of the frame.

Cindy Meister
INTER-Solutions, Switzerland

This reply is posted in the Newsgroup; please post any follow question
or reply in the newsgroup and not by e-mail :)

I suspect Sajin's trying to do the same thing as Andru, who posted
earlier this week
about using the Selection.ShapeRange.Fill.UserPicture method.

Testing that method, I found the same thing Sajin is concerned about:
If the picture is larger than the shape that's being filled, the shape
clips the picture; but if the picture is smaller than the shape, the
picture is stretched to fill it. The result is blurred because there
isn't enough picture data to interpolate pixels, and there is nothing
in VBA that will let you control the aspect ratio of the picture.

The workaround, as I told Sajin, is to use a separate graphics editor
to embed the small picture in a blank background that's at least as
large as the shape you're trying to fill. That prevents Word from
trying to enlarge the picture.

I can't remember ever seeing another question on this topic. Two in
one week -- what a coincidence!

Jay Freedman
Microsoft Word MVP
Email cannot be acknowledged; please post all follow-ups to the
newsgroup so all may benefit.

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