how to make a cell mandatory in the excel sheet



I am in the process of creating a form in Excel spreadsheet, please let me
know how can I make a cell mandatory, also want to disable "Send To" command
from File menu.

Gary Brown

Disable/Enable 'Send To'...

Public Sub DisableMenuItem_Example()
'Disable / enable a menu item
' - used when you don't want to let a user
' access a particular option
' - Note: a user with a little VBA knowledge
' can easily overcome this
Dim objMenuItem As Object, objSubMenuItem As Object
Dim strMainMenuItem As String
Dim strSubMenuItem As String

'- - - - - - VARIABLES - - - - - - - - -
strMainMenuItem = "&File" 'Main Menu Item
strSubMenuItem = "Sen&d To" 'SubMenu Item
'- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

For Each objMenuItem In CommandBars("Worksheet Menu Bar").Controls
If objMenuItem.Caption = strMainMenuItem Then
For Each objSubMenuItem In objMenuItem.Controls
If objSubMenuItem.Caption = strSubMenuItem Then
objSubMenuItem.Enabled = False 'disable a menu item
' objSubMenuItem.Enabled = True 'enable a menu item
Exit For
End If
Next objSubMenuItem
Exit For
End If
Next objMenuItem

End Sub

Gary Brown

Use a worksheet event such as 'Worksheet_Deactivate()' and check that a cell
has info before you can get out of the worksheet.

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