How to make a form to lookup items in a tree?



I seek an advice on the following issue:
I have a table that reflects a tree of some items e.g.

Table XTypes
ID long
Name text
ParentID long

I want to create a form that displays this table as a lookup table
(read only), and enables hierarchial lookup: when it will be opened
from the calling form, only records with ParentID=null will be
displayed. For each record who has child records, a '=>' button will
be displayed in the same row, which will open the same form with a
WhereCondition of ParentID=(the Id of the record with the button), and
so on until a record is selected by the user (whether leaf or not),
and all forms will be closed, returning the id of the selected record
to the original calling form.

What is the preferred way to implement this form?

Many thanks in advance,

Shaul Peled
Poly Information

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