How to make a Let statement in Excel?


Blain M

I have a list of dates in a column, that is sorted by name and then date.
The dates vary, but in assending order for each person. I have also filtered
the data by determining which dates would be sequential, using a break of two
days - ie-weekend, as sequential periods. I realize that for two dates, one
a monday and one a wednesday or thursday, this would assue a sequential
period, but I will then subtotal on a count to determine how many days are in
the sequential period to see if it is in agreement. I am trying to write a
formula using a LET statement similar to

=if(F3=1,Return the value for Duration and then Let Duration=0,Duration+1),

Where Duration is a named range that I am trying to work as a counter to
determine duration and then rest to zero for each new name in a range. I
used to use Let statements, but that may have been in my Lotus 123 days or
maybe Cobol.

Fred Smith

Excel is not Cobol. One cell's formula cannot modify another cell.

Your choices are to use a macro, which will handle the kind of code you are
talking about, or create formula in the Duration cell which will do what you

Blain M

Thanks Fred. Now to remember my Macro coding. New job, much more data
analysis than last one!

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