How to make clone for bookmark and add more form when clicked?

Aug 18, 2016
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Hi guys. its my first time post a thread here.
I am currently trying to make an examination test maker just by using microsoft word and perhaps with a bit help help from VBA. I am currently using Microsoft word 2013.

I will attach the example here. As you can see inside my file, well its not much looks like a good template but notice the arrow that i put in between of 1 question example. I was planning to make it able to append more or added more whenever the user has fill the previous form. Or maybe i'm planning to make it like press a button and the form will be added. Since i'm using bookmark, therefore i need to make the bookmark variable to be dynamically clone too. I just don't have a clue so far how to do it in addition i am weak at VBA. I hope you can guide me.

Test10 is the file that i attached. Don't mind the other like input name and stuff, its just for testing purposes.


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Microsoft MVP
Mar 2, 2012
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Aug 18, 2016
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Hi macropod. Thanks for the response. I have seen the link given but i still can't understand how should i use custom building block that includes the content control such as button, form field and stuff. Is there any way you can help me by provide some demo? Im new to this especially custom building block with content control.

One more question, what will happen to bookmark variables? Since each questions going to be different and bookmark variables cant be similar to each other, how will it assign to different bookmark dynamically?
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Microsoft MVP
Mar 2, 2012
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If the process is for anyone else to use, you wouldn't use formfields for this, as they require forms protection to be applied to the document and that would: a) prevent the new block being added unless you left an unprotected Section in the document (even that might not work); and b) the inserted block wouldn't have the forms protection required to make the formfields work.

As for bookmarks, there can only ever be one bookmark with a given name in the document, so your building block could not be designed on the assumption you'll be able to use any that it contains when you create it.

I haven't used custom building blocks much, so I don't have anything to hand I could use for a demo. A web search would probably turn up some demos, including on YouTube.

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