How to make fonts in MS Word stable?



Whenever I make copy and paste, or change the paragraph the fonts in the Word
change to New Time Roman (this is not my default font) and become bigger
(mostly to 12 points). However even that is not stable. Sometimes it changes
to some other font, so it indicates that the Word changes the fonts randomly.
Working with that one can have an impression that this is some joke from the
builders of the system. The problem seems to be very common because when I
ask people they roll they eyes and say: "Oh, yes, Microsoft". So please let
me know how can I make the fonts in MS Word stable?

Terry Farrell

It is because Word defaults to its native font settings when it is given
something to do that is confusing.

To give you an example: you select some text from a document that is in
normal style (where the default for normal style is Arial 11 pt) but the
text has been directly formatted to Verdana 9pt bold, and the destination
paragraph where you paste the text is also in Normal style but the default
font is set to Bookman Old Style 10 pt, Word has no idea what it should use,
so it reverts back to its encoded default, TNR (10pt or 12pt).

How to avoid this happening is by using consistent style settings and
minimise the use of direct formatting. Use the Paste Smart Tag option in
Word 2003.

(BTW, the above examples are for Word prior to Word 2007 which is different.
In Word 2003, the encoded default is TNR 10-pt: in prior versions it was TNR

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