How to make step by step forms?


pixel ace

Hi folks,

I would like my switchboard to contain 3 radio buttons in an option group (step 1) on launch. When the user clicks one, another group of radio buttons appears (step 2), which when clicked may reveal a textbox or two and a continue button (step 3).

For example:

'Change' is clicked and step 2 appears:
Product category

'Product' is clicked and two combo boxes, a product category and product (the latter filtered by the former - I don't need help with these two) and a continue button (step 3) appear.

If the user goes back to the first radio group (step 1) and clicks 'Add' the 3rd step disappears and the 2nd step changes to the items available to change.

It would be great if you could just point me in the right direction to accomplish this: for example is it a case of using subforms - I'm not convinced it is. Would I have to get down and dirty with VBA? If so a script to hide stuff on click would be a great start.

Thanks and g'bye


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