How to make "weekly" reports?




My question should be pretty basic... I think.

Basically, I want to be able to make weekly reports. But
I don't know how to specify a "week." I know how to set
DATES as parameters ... but how do I make it exactly
Sunday to Monday? I already have a Qry written with
Dates as parameters ... but I don't know what the next
step should be.

Does this have something to do with Active X controls?

Here's a small illustration of what I'm trying to do:
Table A: Date, Qty, Group

I want a report that will sum up the Qty's for every Week
without having to type in THIS is when the week starts,
THIS is when the week ends. Any ideas?

Thanks in advance,

Larry Linson

Basically, I want to be able to make
weekly reports. But I don't know
how to specify a "week." I know how
to set DATES as parameters ... but
how do I make it exactly Sunday to
Monday? I already have a Qry written
with Dates as parameters ... but I don't
know what the next step should be.

You're probably going to remove the Parameters from your Query, and supply
them in another way.
Does this have something to do with Active X controls?

Here's a small illustration of what I'm trying to do:
Table A: Date, Qty, Group

I want a report that will sum up the Qty's for every Week
without having to type in THIS is when the week starts,
THIS is when the week ends. Any ideas?

Do you want a report summarized by week, or do you want a report for a
single week. How do _you_ want to specify "week"? For example, "Week Number"
has never been very intuitive for me, logical though it may be. I usually
think of "Week Ending Date" for a given week, and I usually think of that as
a Friday, the normal end of a "business week" in most of my years in the

Please clarify these points and I'd wager someone can offer good

Larry Linson
Microsoft Access MVP

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