What is required to make word app screen match Outlook Active screen size ?
Set mWrd = New Word.Application
With mWrd
.WindowState = wdWindowStateMinimize
.Top = .PixelsToPoints(ActiveExplorer.Top)
.Left = .PixelsToPoints(ActiveExplorer.Left)
.Width = .PixelsToPoints(ActiveExplorer.Width)
.Height = .PixelsToPoints(ActiveExplorer.Height)
Debug.Print "AE.Top: " & ActiveExplorer.Top & " (Word.Top: " & .Top
& ")"
Debug.Print "AE.Left: " & ActiveExplorer.Left & " (Word.Left: " &
..Left & ")"
Debug.Print "AE.Width: " & ActiveExplorer.Width & " (Word.Width: " &
..Width & ")"
Debug.Print "AE.Height: " & ActiveExplorer.Height & " (Word.Height:
" & .Height & ")"
.PrintPreview = True
.Visible = True
.WindowState = wdWindowStateNormal
End With
Set mWrd = New Word.Application
With mWrd
.WindowState = wdWindowStateMinimize
.Top = .PixelsToPoints(ActiveExplorer.Top)
.Left = .PixelsToPoints(ActiveExplorer.Left)
.Width = .PixelsToPoints(ActiveExplorer.Width)
.Height = .PixelsToPoints(ActiveExplorer.Height)
Debug.Print "AE.Top: " & ActiveExplorer.Top & " (Word.Top: " & .Top
& ")"
Debug.Print "AE.Left: " & ActiveExplorer.Left & " (Word.Left: " &
..Left & ")"
Debug.Print "AE.Width: " & ActiveExplorer.Width & " (Word.Width: " &
..Width & ")"
Debug.Print "AE.Height: " & ActiveExplorer.Height & " (Word.Height:
" & .Height & ")"
.PrintPreview = True
.Visible = True
.WindowState = wdWindowStateNormal
End With