How to manipulate what templates are loaded - using registry




In Word I can go to Tools --> Templates and Addins and add a template and/or
check or uncheck a template. The next time I start Word the templates
settings are (usually) there. The settings are saved in the registry in (for
a Word 2003 version) hkey_current_user\software\microsoft\office\11\word\data
in a key of type reg_binary. Has anyone manipulated that key directly? Does
anyone have the structure of the key?

I know I can use Word VBA to load/unload templates but I was wondering if
there was a way to do so from VB or VB.NET from outside Word.


Jay Freedman

I don't believe the structure of the Data value has ever been released
outside of Microsoft. It's hard to find out even the exact list of
what information is in there; our best guesses are at

If you ever do figure out any part of it, please share. :)

Jay Freedman
Microsoft Word MVP
Email cannot be acknowledged; please post all follow-ups to the
newsgroup so all may benefit.

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