How to match sort and lineup 2 sets of data



Hi. I have batches(n=10-60) of air pollution samples that have each ~80 rows
of data by 2 columns. The 2 columns need to stay lined up for each sample.
The entries are Tr(retention time) and PA(Peak Area)for each sample. The Tr
values are the ones that I want to match up as close as possible for all of
the samples while keeping the PA for each TR together.
I want to align all of the Trs across samples that match down to say .00 and
skip entries where they don't (the Tr data are actually at 0.000 but they
differ enough from sample to sample that they won't match up at that level).
Visually for 2 samples and 2 compunds(or rows):Original data
1 3.91 0.21 3.91 0.65
2 4.21 1.23 4.55 1.98
3 4.87 3.98 4.87 6.55

Output I would like:
1 3.91 0.21 3.91 0.65
2 4.21 1.23 BLANK BLANK
3 BLANK BLANK 4.55 1.98
4 4.87 3.98 4.87 6.55
I used blank because when i hit preview the numbers all wrapped up
I would appreciate any suggestions or help with this or if you know of a
program for sale that could do this that would be great!

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