Patti Filley
Yes you can do this. If you are using Excel as your data
source simply create 4 "sets" of the address information
eg. NameA AddressA CityA StateA ZIPA; NameB AddressB
CityB StateB ZIPB; NameC AddressC CityC StateC ZIPC;
NameD AddressD CityD StateD ZIPD (This would be your
header in Excel) Now divide the number of addresses you
have by 4 eg. 100 records divided by 4 = 25. Take the
first 25 records and place them under the AddressA field
names, take the next 25 records and cut and paste them
under the AddressB field names, the next 25 under the "C"
field names and the last under the "D" field names. If
you did this correctly you should only have 25 rows of
data in your Excel Spreadsheet now.
The next step is to create the Mail Merge Fields on your
postcard that match the A B C & D address blocks.
Obviously you want the four positions on your postcard to
have unique field names or else it won't work. That is
why we split the data into four equal parts and gave them
unique field names. So in the top left corner you would
place the mail merge fields from the "A" fields, the top
right corner all the "B" fields, the lower left corner
all the "C" fields and the lower right corner all the "D"
fields. When you mail merge you will see unique
addresses in all four positions. The only draw back to
this method is that if you are trying to keep the records
in some kind of sequence you may want to include a
sequence number in all four address block sets (A B C &
D) so that you can put the cards back in order because
they are not in a true sequence order. Your first 25
records will always print in position A the next 25 in
position B and so forth. This means that the top card
will show record 1 in position A record 26 in position B
record 51 in position C and records 76 in position D. I
do this on a daily basis so I know it works I just hope
my instructions weren't too confusing.
each "sheet" not one per card. Is there a way to do this?
source simply create 4 "sets" of the address information
eg. NameA AddressA CityA StateA ZIPA; NameB AddressB
CityB StateB ZIPB; NameC AddressC CityC StateC ZIPC;
NameD AddressD CityD StateD ZIPD (This would be your
header in Excel) Now divide the number of addresses you
have by 4 eg. 100 records divided by 4 = 25. Take the
first 25 records and place them under the AddressA field
names, take the next 25 records and cut and paste them
under the AddressB field names, the next 25 under the "C"
field names and the last under the "D" field names. If
you did this correctly you should only have 25 rows of
data in your Excel Spreadsheet now.
The next step is to create the Mail Merge Fields on your
postcard that match the A B C & D address blocks.
Obviously you want the four positions on your postcard to
have unique field names or else it won't work. That is
why we split the data into four equal parts and gave them
unique field names. So in the top left corner you would
place the mail merge fields from the "A" fields, the top
right corner all the "B" fields, the lower left corner
all the "C" fields and the lower right corner all the "D"
fields. When you mail merge you will see unique
addresses in all four positions. The only draw back to
this method is that if you are trying to keep the records
in some kind of sequence you may want to include a
sequence number in all four address block sets (A B C &
D) so that you can put the cards back in order because
they are not in a true sequence order. Your first 25
records will always print in position A the next 25 in
position B and so forth. This means that the top card
will show record 1 in position A record 26 in position B
record 51 in position C and records 76 in position D. I
do this on a daily basis so I know it works I just hope
my instructions weren't too confusing.
to a sheet. When I tried it, I got the same address on-----Original Message-----
I want to merge my mail list to postcards but they are 4
each "sheet" not one per card. Is there a way to do this?