How to merge resources



I created a resources.mpp file and another file MyProject.mpp uses thes
resources by sharing them.
But now I no longer want to use the sharing and incorporate all use
resources into MyProject itself.
How can I do that without having to redefine everything

Jan De Messemaeker


When you undo the resource sharing ("Use Own Resources") all resources
assigned to any task will automatically exist in the file.

If you need the other ones, once he coupling is undone, copy them in the
pool' s resource sheet (select them by their number) and paste them into the
file's resoruce sheet.
Hope this helps,

Jan De Messemaeker
Microsoft Project Most Valuable Professional
+32 495 300 620
For availability check:
SoftwareTester said:
I created a resources.mpp file a
nd another file MyProject.mpp uses these

Rob Schneider

What happens when you open up MyProject.mpp, then Menu: Tools/Resource
Sharing/Share Resources ... and pick "use own resources"? Does it work,
or when you did this it did not do as expected? I'm curious what
happened which caused you to have to redefine everything?


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