How to migrate AutoCorrect entries from Word 2003 to Word 2007



How can I migrate my AutoCorrect entries from Word 2003 to Word 2007? Below
are the steps I used in Word 2003 when I wanted to migrate these entries from
one computer to another in Word 2003, but have no idea how to migrate in Word

1.Open a new file and name it as (or whatever) being sure to
save it as a template, not a doc file. Copy and paste these directions into
it so you'll remember what to do to import it later
2.Tools, Templates, and Add-Ins, Organizer button, AutoText tab.
3.In the first box, AutoText should already be there because the file is
open. If you wanted a different file, click Close File, Open File, Browse to
the desired file.
4.Display in the second box—it should already be there.
5.In the second box, click the first entry to move, hold down Shift, click
last entry to select all; click Copy, Close File, Yes, Close.
6.Save (or whatever), save again onto a disk or whatever,
close, and move to second computer.
7.In the new computer, Tools, Templates, and Add-Ins, Organizer button,
AutoText tab.
8.Display in the first box— click Close File, Open File, Browse
to the new template (or whatever). should already be in the second box.
10.In the first box, click the first entry to move, hold down Shift, click
last entry to select all; click Copy. Click Close File, Yes, Close.

All help greatly appreciated.

Suzanne S. Barnhill

You say AutoCorrect, but the procedure you are describing is for AutoText
entries. Which is it?

Suzanne S. Barnhill

AutoText in Word 2007 is part of the Building Blocks/Quick Parts (or
something--I'm not running Word 2007). I think the Organizer is still
available, but you'll have to wait for an answer from someone who is up to
speed on Word 2007.

Beth Melton

Actually, the better location is your Building Blocks folder instead of your
Startup folder. That location is:

C:\Documents and Settings\<Name>\Application Data\Microsoft\Document
Building Blocks
Where <Name> is your user name. Also, the Application Data folder is usually
a hidden folder so make sure you turn on the display of hidden

If you want to move the entries to Building Blocks.dotx, in the Building
Blocks Organizer, edit the entries and change the "Save in" to Building
Blocks.dotx. Note you don't have to move them but you can also use the
organizer to move them to another gallery. Otherwise to use them you'll
either need to type part of the AutoText name and press F3 to insert it or
add the AutoText command to your QAT to access the AutoText gallery

Beth Melton
Microsoft Office MVP

Word FAQ:
TechTrax eZine:
MVP FAQ site:

Beth Melton

Think of Building Blocks as AutoText on steroids. ;-)

The majority of the galleries, Header, Footer, Cover Page, TOC, etc utilize
Building Blocks which are similar to AutoText in the previous versions. In
Word 2007, AutoText is now is an available Building Blocks gallery.
Essencially this was done so AutoText entries created in previous versions
could be easily migrated to the new feature.

Beth Melton
Microsoft Office MVP

Word FAQ:
TechTrax eZine:
MVP FAQ site:


Can you recommend a good tutorial on building blocks anywhere on the
Microsoft Web site? I'm lost in your excellent advice earlier.



Beth--is there a way in the Building Blocks Organizer to make the preview
larger? These over 50 eyes are having trouble seeing much there.

Beth Melton

So far I don't think there are any tutorials available, yet. I do know there
will be a lot of content made available after Office 2007 is released.
Essencially, like AutoText, add content in a document you want to use for a
new Building Blocks entry, select it and on the Insert tab click Quick Parts
and Save Selection to Quick Parts Gallery. (Alt + F3 still works too).

Then select the gallery for your entry, for example if you are creating a
Building Block for a page number then use Page Number so it will show up
when you open the Page Number gallery. If it's general then use Quick Parts
so it will display when you click Quick Parts on the Insert tab. The
Category will determine which heading your entry will display under. For
example if it's a signature block you are creating then create a new
category called "Signature Block". Allow the entry to be saved in Building
Blocks.dotx instead of your Normal template - these were seperated since
it's not uncommon to recreate your Normal template and this way you won't
lose them.

What you don't want to do is create a new Gallery for your entries. can but they won't appear anywhere in the Ribbon by default nor
can they be added to the QAT (only the AutoText gallery can be added) - you
need to customize the Ribbon to add them and that requires XML knowledge.

As for the preview in the Building Blocks Organizer, this is a big request
but what it's really for is an overall view - there's no way I can actually
read the smaller print either. ;-)

Please post all follow-up questions to the newsgroup. Requests for
assistance by email can not be acknowledged.

Beth Melton
Microsoft Office MVP

Word FAQ:
TechTrax eZine:
MVP FAQ site:


Thank you for some very helpful information. Am I correct in saying that
AutoCorrect entries migrate across both Outlook 7 and Word 7 but AutoText
entries do not? Also, what does QAT stand for?

Tony Jollans

These over 50 eyes are having trouble seeing much there.

Wish I had over 50! My two are ageing and failing :)

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