How to move a child task using Project Server 2007 PSI?




I am writing an application that uses the Project Server 2007 PSI API and
I've hit a roadblock!

I need to be able to move a child task from under one summary task to under
another. In the Project Professional UI this is easy, but I can't seem to
find a way to do this through the PSI.

The ProjectDataset.TaskRow class has a property called TASK_PARENT_UID which
is used to set the task's parent but this is read-only once the task has been
created and can't be updated. I don't see any other methods to allow you to
reassign a tasks parent or move a task under a new parent.

Anyone got any ideas?

Ray McCoppin

I have had some luck doing this way:
1. Copy the TaskRow into a new Row
2. Delete the old TaskRow in the dataset
3. modify the ProjectDataSet.TaskRow.AddPosition and
4. the new row to dataset
5. update the dataset

Hope this helps
Ray McCoppin
Project Server 2007 archival tool
SRS gantt charts


Thanks Ray for the suggestion.

This almost works! If I store the original Task GUID before deleting it I
can then set the GUID on the cloned task to the same value and this works OK.

However, I have noticed that I lose any resource assignments once the
original task is deleted, so currently I'm trying to figure out how to avoid
or work around that issue.

<Gnash> <Gnash>

Don't suppose you have already figured this one out?


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