How to move to new Policy in Loop if Report is Null

  • Thread starter DoctorV3774 via
  • Start date

DoctorV3774 via

I have a function below that works perfectly automating output of reports to
PDF. Only problem is this. stDocname which refers to the report
Rpt_ALL_INVOICE_STATEMENT, will ALWAYS contain data. The section for
stDocName2 and stDocName3 may not contain any data, so what i want to happen
is before starting the output commands, test and see if there is data for
these reports stDocname2 or stDocName3. If there is data go through with all
of the commands if not skip that section and go to the next section, or if at
the end go to the next strPolMod

Example Before performing the steps in SEC2, check to see if stdocname2
contains any data for the particular strPolMod, if so continue, if not go to
SEC3. And for SEC3 if data continue, if not go to the next strPolMod

'***************************EXAMPLE SEC2**************************
DoCmd.OpenReport stdocname2, acPreview, , "Policy_Mod='" & rs!Policy_Mod &
DoCmd.OutputTo acReport, "", "SnapshotFormat(*.snp)", str999, False, ""
Call convertreporttopdf(stdocname2, str999, stLocation999, False, False)

DoCmd.Close acReport, stdocname2, acSaveNo

'Delete the snapshot file
Kill str999


Function OutputSnapshots()

On Error Resume Next

Dim rs As DAO.Recordset
Dim stDocName As String
Dim stdocname2 As String
Dim stdocname3 As String
Dim str As String
Dim strPolMod As String
Dim stpath As String
Dim fileendInv As String
Dim fileend999 As String
Dim fileendADIS As String
Dim stLocationInv As String
Dim stLocation999 As String
Dim stLocationADIS As String
Dim str999 As String
Dim strADIS As String

stpath = "S:\AFGITS\Customer & Environmental Management\Business Solution

fileendInv = "Invoice.pdf"
fileend999 = "999.pdf"
fileendADIS = "ADIS.pdf"
Set rs = CurrentDb.OpenRecordset("Select Policy_Mod from

'set the report names to the string values

stdocname2 = "Rpt_999_Transactions"
stdocname3 = "Rpt_ADIS_Drafts"
'*******************PROCESS STARTS************************

While Not rs.EOF
'Instantiate the Pol_Mod
strPolMod = rs!Policy_Mod
'Set Output Path of PDF

stLocationInv = stpath & strPolMod & fileendInv
stLocation999 = stpath & strPolMod & fileend999
stLocationADIS = stpath & strPolMod & fileendADIS
'String Location of Output of Snapshots
str = "C:\" & strPolMod & "_" & "Funded_Invoice.snp"
str999 = "C:\" & strPolMod & "_" & "Funded_999Trans.snp"
strADIS = "C:\" & strPolMod & "_" & "Funded_ADIS.snp"
DoCmd.OpenReport stDocName, acPreview, , "Policy_Mod='" & rs!Policy_Mod & "'"
DoCmd.OutputTo acReport, "", "SnapshotFormat(*.snp)", str, False, ""
Call convertreporttopdf(stDocName, str, stLocationInv, False, False)

DoCmd.Close acReport, stDocName, acSaveNo

'Delete the snapshot file
Kill str
DoCmd.OpenReport stdocname2, acPreview, , "Policy_Mod='" & rs!Policy_Mod &
DoCmd.OutputTo acReport, "", "SnapshotFormat(*.snp)", str999, False, ""
Call convertreporttopdf(stdocname2, str999, stLocation999, False, False)

DoCmd.Close acReport, stdocname2, acSaveNo

'Delete the snapshot file
Kill str999
DoCmd.OpenReport stdocname3, acPreview, , "Policy_Mod='" & rs!Policy_Mod &
DoCmd.OutputTo acReport, "", "SnapshotFormat(*.snp)", strADIS, False, ""
Call convertreporttopdf(stdocname3, strADIS, stLocationADIS, False, False)

DoCmd.Close acReport, stdocname3, acSaveNo

'Delete the snapshot file
Kill strADIS

rs!strPolMod = Nothing

'Repeat the Process


Set rs = Nothing
End Function

'*******************END OF CODE***********************************


If strdocname2 <> "" Then
DoCmd.OpenReport stdocname2, acPreview, , "Policy_Mod='" &
rs!Policy_Mod & "'"
DoCmd.OutputTo acReport, "", "SnapshotFormat(*.snp)", str999, False,
Call convertreporttopdf(stdocname2, str999, stLocation999, False,

DoCmd.Close acReport, stdocname2, acSaveNo

'Delete the snapshot file
Kill str999
End If

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