Per Erik Rønne
I'm trying to make chapters and subchapters in the way:
1. Chapter.
1.1 Subchapter.
1.2 Subchapter.
2. Chapter
2.1 Subchapter
2.1.1 Subsubchapter
3.0 Chapter
I'm using Heading 1 and Heading 2 (etc) styles respectively. How may I make
Word automatically create these numbers?
That will, of course, also form part of the toc that i have no problems in
I'm using Office 2007 and will have to write large, technical documentation
reports on a regular basis.
1. Chapter.
1.1 Subchapter.
1.2 Subchapter.
2. Chapter
2.1 Subchapter
2.1.1 Subsubchapter
3.0 Chapter
I'm using Heading 1 and Heading 2 (etc) styles respectively. How may I make
Word automatically create these numbers?
That will, of course, also form part of the toc that i have no problems in
I'm using Office 2007 and will have to write large, technical documentation
reports on a regular basis.