Homeschol Dad
I have Office XP standard for Students and Teachers (ver. 2002). I have it
on our family laptop, and I need to install it on the desktop which recently
had it's hard drive rebuilt. So I checked the License and intalled it on the
desktop computer, but can't activate it.
Under Software Product License, Grant of License, 1.1 General License it
allows me to "obtain as many copies of the Software Product as the number of
Qualified Educational Users such parent or guardian is the parent of legal
guardian for."
I certainly don't want to do anything illegal, but I thought I was following
the agreement. How do I activate this copy?
on our family laptop, and I need to install it on the desktop which recently
had it's hard drive rebuilt. So I checked the License and intalled it on the
desktop computer, but can't activate it.
Under Software Product License, Grant of License, 1.1 General License it
allows me to "obtain as many copies of the Software Product as the number of
Qualified Educational Users such parent or guardian is the parent of legal
guardian for."
I certainly don't want to do anything illegal, but I thought I was following
the agreement. How do I activate this copy?