How to open a large excel file?


alex lee

I have a large excel(66MB), but when i try to open it I find that Excel can
onle open no more than 65000 row data.I also try to load the excel file from
Access,but it also cann't run.So how can I load the data in the file without
65000 row data?

Alexander Wolff

Die Tastatur von alex lee wurde wie folgt gedrückt:
I have a large excel(66MB), but when i try to open it I find that
Excel can onle open no more than 65000 row data.I also try to load
the excel file from Access,but it also cann't run.So how can I load
the data in the file without 65000 row data?

What you describe is only possible if you try to open a xl2007 file in
xl2003 or earlier. Open it in xl2007.

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