How to open an MPX file with in-place activation in IE?



How is it possible to open an MPX file through a browser and have it open
using "in-place activation", that is, opening inside of the browser window?
Currently, MSproject opens separately and the MPX file is loaded into that
window separate of the browser.

What I am trying to do is have a web-based program (written in PHP) generate
an MPX file and display a MSP2k-based gantt chart inside the IE browser
window. Perhaps there is an OLE container available that runs in-place, but
then load MSP passing it the MPX?.??

Any ideas would be appreciated.. thank you.

Rod Gill


Can't really help with the browser bit, but mpx is a dead file format.
Latest versions of Project don't support it, so it's not a good look to
spend much development time in. Project 2002 onwards now use xml as the text
file format.


I have to use MSP2k, so MPX is the only way. MSP2k3 reads it still, by the

Rod Gill

True, but future versions may not. In addition mpx files don't hold all data
so you can't have variable assignments etc. Sooner or later you will be
asked for more information to be used that the mpx file format doesn't
support. It will never be updated as xml is the new standard. My point is to
future proof your development, xml is the way to for right now.


I'm willing to try an XML approach if it solves the problem... so... how
would one get MSP2002 to respond to an XML data message coming from a

Rod Gill

Afraid that's out of my skill set. You have the same problem as for mpx.
Your other problem is to get it to work with different security settings
different users might have. Web based coding is slow and expensive in my
experience. Good luck though.

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