How to open contact pane and select favorite contact folder




I am writing a VSTO add-in for Outlook 2003, and I am missing a
functionnality that I can have manualy, here it is:

I have some public folders of contact type, added as favorite and visible in
the section other contacts when I click manually on the contact pane in the
navigation pane on the left part of Outlook 2003. I can then click on one of
these Public Folder favorite, so I get the list of contacts displayed on the
top right, the preview pane on the bottom right, and still the navigation
pane in "contact mode" on the left.
I would like to programmaticaly do the same, and I can't find the right

if I use selectfolder, or change currentfolder, I then get the navigation
pane changed to all folders list, instead of having contact pane on the left.

Do you see what I mean and how to get this done ?

Thank you.


Ok thank you again Ken for your answer, sorry that it's not possible.
I thought all that was possible with a click was also possible by programming.

Ken Slovak - [MVP - Outlook]

In Outlook 2007 it's possible, not in earlier versions of Outlook.

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