How to open InfoPath 2007 From in Web-browser



I am new to Info path. I have created form in info path 2007.
Now i want to send this form to users so that can fill it up and send back
to me.
that user does not have info path installed.
I have tried to follow some steps given in Microsoft website like i
published that form to share point and from there i tried to send users. but
still there are not able to open and fill up the form.
Do i need to code anything? if so then how can i do that?
Could you please tell me the steps to open the form in internet explorer or
any web -browser.

Clay Fox

Do you have MOSS2007 or InfoPath Forms Server?

That is required besides just SharePoint to host forms in the browser


I have MOSS 2007, I created form in info path and then published at MOSS form
but if i have to sent that form to user to fill it up then what should i do?
if they don't have info path or MOSS 2007.
How will they be able to open and fill that form?
when i tried to send that info path form form MOSS form library still they
are not able to open it.


Clay Fox

The users must have access to the published template on MOSS. You should
just send them the URL hyperlink where it is published in MOSS. Unless you
specify it will open in InfoPath if they have it on their computer instead of
in IE.

A completed form should submit to a document library and the user would open
it from there.


User does not have access to the published template on MOSS as user is not
inside the company, user is outsider, neither user has info path installed
nor MOSS 2007.
and the only source to send the form to user is via email.
so in this case if i want to send info path form, how can user open in
Internet Explorer? or what do i need to set up in order to open the form in
user's web-browser.?


Gavin McKay


The only way your user can access the InfoPath form is as Clay has said

1. Have the Microsoft InfoPath windows client installed on their machine; or
2. Be able to access your Sharepoint site externally

Since you said you have SharePoint, you would need to allow your external
users access to your SharePoint site.



Thanks All for your help .
As i don't think so that it would be possible to give users access to MOSS.
is there any other application of Microsoft which you can use to create a
form and has similar features like Info path mainly data validation.
Can Microsoft Publisher 2007 has capability to create a form?


Gavin McKay


There is nothing really similar to InfoPath that Microsoft offers as a
product. You would need to develop your own from scratch using ASP.NET or
something like that.


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