How To Open Optional Section in Code?


Barry Prentiss

I need to open an Optional Section in my InfoPath '03 form using VBScript.
Can I do this?

Shiva (GGK Tech)


Do you mean open an optional section means to show the optional section?
This should be happens depends the conditional formatting of that section.
You have to add the conditional formatting of that section depends on your
condition to show.

If you want to do that conditional using VB Script then you have update that
field value from script.

Barry Prentiss

Thx Shiva,
I think I can make out what you're saying here...

Yes, I want to show an optional section on form open, if that optional
section has values in one of it's fields.

Thus far, after opening the form, showing the optional section and filling
out some fields, I submit and exit the form.
When I reopen it, the optional section is not shown.

I would like the optional section to be shown on form open if their is a
value in a field within the optional section.

I haven't found a way to show an optional section based on some
Any ideas?


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