How to open this file?



I sent myself a document with pasted graphics I needed for a
project from another PC. When I tried to open it in my desktop, XP Home SP2
with Outlook Express. I found
a different file than the .doc file., it is "oledata.mso" which I could not
with OE or unless associated with another program. Tried opening directly
through Word and it did not open either. Can someone tell me what this is?
What can I do to open this file? How should I send a bunch of images if I
want to paste them to a document all at once and then be able to separate
them and do what I want with them? Thank you for any help anyone can offer.


David, thanks for your response. I had already found that reference through
a Google search but am afraid I did not understand from that article what I
can do to "rescue" that email (excuse my ignorance). Does it mean that I
must change the HTML format of sending such documents from PC that has Word
2000 ? Will that take care of it? Thanks again. Josie


I'm not sure that the article applies directly to the original
question, but it offers clues.
What was the original document created with, and what program was used
to send it?
Are those same programs available at the destination computer?
If not, you may need to re-create the doc, or re-send it in a diferent
format or different manner.
For example, you can save a Word doc as an older version, or even as
some other format, to match what you have on the destination PC.
Or, maybe zip the thing so that Windoze can't try to out-guess you!

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