How to pass arguments to an Excel macro using Dynamic Data Exchang



I'm trying to pass arguments to an Excel macro using Dynamic Data Exchange

I can pass arguments to this Excel macro within Excel (not using DDE) with
the following format, note the lack of parenthesis:
Application.Run "Personal.xls!MacroName", Arg1, Arg2, Arg3

I can also pass control to this Excel macro using DDE from another Office
application (Word) without arguments using the following format (note the
presence of parenthesis and brackets):

However, when including arguments (using the above parenthesis and bracket
format) from Word, I get Error Code 4599 "Process failed in other

How to pass arguments to an Excel macro using Dynamic Data Exchange (DDE)?

RB Smissaert

Why use DDE?
Just use OLE automation and then you do things like this:

oXLApp.Run "XLFile.xls!Module1.Sub1", Arg1, Arg2, Arg3



RB Smissaert,

Thank you for responding to my query concerning DDE.
Eventhough your reponse was not what I was hoping for,
it did force me to learn about OLE Automation.

I thought that in addition to your comment, "with OLE one can do things like:

oXLApp.Run "XLFile.xls!Module1.Sub1", Arg1, Arg2, Arg3

all I needed in my VBA OLE code prior to the Run statement was:

Dim oXLapp As Excel.Application
Set oXLapp = CreateObject("Excel.Application")

It took me 3 weeks to learn that when one Automates Excel, the
Personal.xls workbook (if present) is not automatically opened
(albeit hidden) as is the case when one invokes Excel from the
Desktop environment. Therefore, one must mannually open this
file with OLE Automation.

oXLapp.Workbooks.Open ("C:\Documents and Settings\...\Personal.xls")

Eventhough with DDE one's personal.xls file is automatically opened,
one cannot pass arguments to Excel using DDE but one can with OLE.

Thank you so much for pointing me in the right direction



RB Smissaert said:
Why use DDE?
Just use OLE automation and then you do things like this:

oXLApp.Run "XLFile.xls!Module1.Sub1", Arg1, Arg2, Arg3


Ted said:
I'm trying to pass arguments to an Excel macro using Dynamic Data Exchange

I can pass arguments to this Excel macro within Excel (not using DDE) with
the following format, note the lack of parenthesis:
Application.Run "Personal.xls!MacroName", Arg1, Arg2, Arg3

I can also pass control to this Excel macro using DDE from another Office
application (Word) without arguments using the following format (note the
presence of parenthesis and brackets):

However, when including arguments (using the above parenthesis and bracket
format) from Word, I get Error Code 4599 "Process failed in other

How to pass arguments to an Excel macro using Dynamic Data Exchange (DDE)?

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